Z80 emulator state, padded to 64 bytes. This section contains both the standard Z80 registers as well as several internal variables of the Z80 emulator.
PC | 2 bytes | Basic Z80 registers |
AF | 2 bytes | |
BC | 2 bytes | |
DE | 2 bytes | |
HL | 2 bytes | |
SP | 2 bytes | |
IX | 2 bytes | |
IY | 2 bytes | |
IndexPlusOffset | 2 bytes | Internal variable |
AF' | 2 bytes | Alternate Z80 registers |
BC' | 2 bytes | |
DE' | 2 bytes | |
HL' | 2 bytes | |
I | 1 byte | Interrupt vector register |
R | 1 byte | Refresh register |
IFF1 | 1 byte | Internal variables |
IFF2 | 1 byte | |
RBit7 | 1 byte | |
IM | 1 byte | Interrupt mode (0, 1, or 2) |
TempByte | 1 byte | Internal variables |
InterruptVectorBase | 1 byte | |
Flags | 4 bytes | |
Padding | 26 bytes | Reserved for future versions |
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© Istvan Varga
<istvan_v@mailbox.hu>, 2004, 2005