The header has a fixed size of 16 bytes, and includes the following:
E128 | 4 bytes | The constant value 0x45313238. |
Version | 2 bytes | File format version. Valid version number codes are currently 0x0101 (for 1.4.1 and earlier releases) and 0x0102 (starting from version 1.5.0 of the emulator, which has a new implementation for the DAVE chip). |
Memory configuration | 2 bytes |
A 16 bit value describing the memory configuration of the emulated machine. Bit 0: set if ROM segment 0 is present Bit 1: set if ROM segment 1 is present Bit 2: set if ROM segment 2 is present Bit 3: set if ROM segment 3 is present Bit 4: set if ROM segment 4 is present Bit 5: set if ROM segment 5 is present Bit 6: set if ROM segment 6 is present Bit 7: set if ROM segment 7 is present Bits 8 to 15: the number of RAM segments (4 to 248) For example, a typical configuration with 128k RAM, EXOS at segments 0 and 1, and IS-BASIC at segment 4 would be 0x0813. RAM segments are always allocated from (256 - number of segments) to 0xFF. |
Padding | 8 bytes | Reserved for future versions, currently set to zero. |
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© Istvan Varga
<>, 2004, 2005